Thursday, March 31, 2011

God is Full of surprises


This past Tuesday we had our monthly Bible study at the women's shelter in Cleveland.  I have been working out of a Women of Faith Bible study book called Amazing Freedom, but I was feeling lead to go a different route.  At 11:30 PM, I was praying and struggling and was not sure what God was going to do.  I looked at my bookshelf and found another Women Of Faith book about life in Jesus.  So I opened it up and read the first chapter, and knew that was the study I needed to do.  It was about having a new life in Christ.

Now, God is full of surprises, if you remember the last e-mail I had sent it was about a silent lady at the shelter named Mary.  When I arrived at the shelter, I told Beth and Darlene I was going to check on Mary and I did.  I came in the room and she was laying on her bed and she smiled!  Then she pointed to the chair and said "have a seat" so I sat down and I asked her how she was doing, she said she was good.  We had a verbal conversation!  She didn't use signs or nods or shrugs, she used her words!  I asked her if she wanted to come to Bible study and she asked where it was and who was going to be there.  I told her and then she thought and thought and thought and she asked if she had to dress up, I told her no and she said, ok let me freshen up and she came to Bible study!  The workers were amazed that I had Mary out of her room!  Mary came into Bible study, she was quiet as usual and that is okay, but she seemed to listen.

We had two more ladies at Bible study as well, Laura and Linda.  We were talking about helping others and I'm not sure exactly what triggered her, but Linda just became upset and said "this place is full of drunks and drug users and they are beyond help" and then she stormed out, slamming the door behind her.  I didn't let that get to me.  Laura is new in the shelter and she said that she feels as if God has her in the shelter for a purpose.  Instead of me giving the salvation message I wanted to do in the end, I used my witness bracelet I had and taught Laura how to use it.  Please pray for Laura.  Pray for Linda as well, I know she is getting an apartment, so her days in the shelter are numbered, but as she is in the shelter he needs encouragement.

Lastly, I visited Donna who has a shattered spine and is facing possible surgery.  I went to her room to check on her as well.  She is supposed to find out when she is having surgery.  Pray for her because with this surgery she will have a 50% chance of not walking and she is afraid.

God is moving and I am excited to see what he is doing.  Please pray for me as I minister to these ladies.  It is humbling to be used by God in this aspect.

Again, it is fun serving Him!

(Becky Phillips, Wasdworth Church of the Nazarene.  reprinted from her Facebook Note on 3/30/2011)